Here's a fun and easy recipe to do with the kids one morning. Let the kids even build their own omelet.
To start use a ziploc baggie, if you are doing a lot at once get the freezer bag ones that let you write on the bag so you know who's eggs are whose.
So now everyone has their bags in hand. Crack open 2 eggs per bag, you can shake them up a little before adding in the "extras" or you can do it all at once.
Now add your favorite omelet ingredients like:
- Ham
- Green Peppers
- Tomato
- Shredded Cheese
- Onion
- Red Pepper
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Pre-Cooked Ground Sausage
Whatever strikes your fancy and whatever you like.
Once you have all of your toppings in you can add a couple of dashes of salt & pepper to taste, zip up the bag and smoosh everything together until well mixed.
Next add the bag to a pot of boiling water and boil until cook through. Now the cooking times I have seen listed range from 5 minute all the way to 13 minutes so I tend to average the times and it works the best so cooking for about 8-9 mins works the best for me.
This is also a great camping dish to make!
Try it & Enjoy!
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