Last year I found these wonderful tupperware like bins at Wal-Mart, and while I wish they were twice the size, they do well for most of my bulk foods; like Oatmeal, sugar, flour, rice, and more. This bin holds about 15-20 lbs of sugar or flour and this recipe pretty much fills this bin. But it is worth it in the end
BEST Hot Chocolate Mix
40.7oz/2.54lbs Can of Nesquick - (72 serving can)
58oz/2lbs Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa Mix in a can
22oz/1.6lbs Non Dairy Powdered Creamer
16oz Hershey's Baking Cocoa - Natural Unsweetened
2 - 11.5oz pkg Ghiradelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Chips
Mix together in a large bin (I also have used a 3gal bucket), until well blended and incorporated. You do this by sealing the lid and then rocking the bin back and forth and side to side until you can no longer see the layers. I usually do this in front of the TV for a good 20 minutes or so.
*Yes I know *well* is misspelled as *will*.Deal with it. :D*
We mix this together at the beginning of the season and - YUM! We just love this!
Once mixed
¼ Cup scoop for 8oz. of liquids (hot water or milk)
½ Cup scoop for 16oz of liquids
Okay! So, once you have the mix set this is how you make a mug of Hot Cocoa. In our house we have HUGE mugs and normal mugs. I'll show you how to prepare both.
In either mug, fill 3/4 full of water and microwave on HIGH for a good 3-4 minutes. You want the water as hot as you can get it to help melt the chocolate bits.
*I actually no longer add the Hershey Syrup, it is just optional now.*
In the normal mug add about 1½ scoops of the Hot Cocoa Mix, you of course can add more or less to it.
In the HUGE mug we use between 3-4 scoops depending on the chocolate mood I am in. Normally it's 4 scoops, which is, yes, 1C of the mix. - mind you the mug is 4 times the size of the smaller mug.
Now mix well, making sure the chocolate bits are melted as well as possible.
Then add in some Chocolate Syrup, to taste. It's not measured out so add as much or as little as you'd like. This is to help sweeten the bitterness of the baking cocoa and the bittersweet chocolate bits.
Now add in the milk to top off the mug, and stir again. This adds to the richness, and the creaminess as well as helps to cool it off enough to get to drinking! If you want it warmer then you can always microwave it again for another 30seconds to 1 minute.
I KNOW this is NOT a cheap mixture to make. I certainly wasn't going for cost effectiveness when I set out to make this mix. I was going for a perfectly rich and tantalizing mug of cocoa. It is one of my favorite winter drinks and those childhood packets never did anything for me. It always took at least 2-3 to get the richness I was looking for.
Even still a bin like this can last about 2-3 months, unless it's been really cold out.
Check out how to use this mix for an
EXCELLENT Starbucks copycat Double Chocolately Chip Frappe!!